What is Therapeutic recreation ?
Therapeutic Recreation (also know as Recreation Therapy) is a health care profession that utilizes a therapeutic process, involving leisure, recreation and play as a primary tool for each individual to achieve their highest level of independence and quality of life.
What does a Recreation Therapist do?
Therapists are healthcare professionals who work in a variety of health care settings to improve, maintain or prevent decline in health. Leisure based treatment plans are purposeful, meaningful and based on individual strengths and values identified through assessment.
What are the benefits of Therapeutic Recreation?
Provide a holistic, strengths based approach to address the physical , cognitive, emotional, social and spiritual domains
Promoting leisure independence and optimal leisure lifestyle
Development of healthy living strategies through leisure
Stress management
Social engagement
Increasing independence and promoting self reliance
Leisure participation, activation and enjoyment
Achievement of goals via group and one to one interventions
Goal setting and outcome measures
Community inclusion
Provide strategies to adapt to the environment/overcome barriers related to illness or disability
What are the benefits of hiring a Recreation Therapist?
Person centered care based on assessments and individualized treatment plans
Development and documentation of protocols (group and one:one) to identify and reduce risk to patients, colleagues, public and self
Evidence based practice
Awareness of professional scopes of practice within the allied health care team
Work collaboratively to ensure a team oriented approach to person centered care delivery
Build community capacity through partnerships
High level of knowledge of recreation and leisure
Apply activities to help restore health and foster growth and development
Source: Canadian Therapeutic recreation association (CTRA) website
For more information visit: www.canadian-tr.org
Other resources:
Therapeutic recreation Ontario: www.trontario.org
American therapeutic recreation association: www.atra-online.com